I own some land and have had a cow pen for quite some time now. It still has its uses but the cattle have outgrown the space. I recently finished constructing a modern, more state-of-the-art cow pen. While constructing this new facility a decent amount of the cattle had to be let out from the old cow pen as there simply wasn't enough space to contain all the growing herd number. Whilst they were let out to graze on a temporary basis, it turns out all the cows really enjoyed their time outside and they all deserted the old cow pen and became free range cows. The cows seemed less irksome, more happy, and our end customers also seemed much more satisfied with the cows' products.
Now that I have constructed my new cow pen it is so hard to get all these cows back into their stocks. I simply cannot justify all these free range cattle roaming on their own when I still have on my hand two purpose-built facilities for them. It makes no sense why they would be so happy on the open range and not inside the new cow pen I built for them. There's plenty of watering stations inside and they don't need to be out in the natural environment looking for a suitable and pleasant climate to drink water from when I've built perfectly good watering stations in the new cow pen.
It bothers me because when I have the cows in a confined space I can more easily see and control the herd, which isn't the case when they're wandering out in the fields. I also feel the proximity the cows have with one another in the cow pen will beget more baby cows, since naturally being around more of your kind will lead to more organic interactions and by-products. For all I know, when those cows are out on the range by themselves they could be getting lazy and fat off the land. That's definitely not good for the customer. I mean, who wants a fat cow with tender muscles sparingly used? The cattle are meant to be put to work, not just left to idle, grazing on the grass with ease. If I see one of those cows at the far end of my property and catch him, and he doesn't want to go back into the cow pen I built for him, he's gonna get culled along with any other ilk of his bovine kind. I've got expenses to manage on this ranch and no time or space to manage cows who don't come along willingly. I built a cow pen for a reason and it was not for 90% of my herd wanting to transition into a free range cow.