Welcome to Kagoshima,
origination of the Meiji restoration.
They really like their life-sized statues here.
These are noble samurai, so when you see the big hulking samurai on the movie screens it’s absolutely not true. A 5’3” wolverine is more like it. They were small back then because they only ate fish.
Damn it, if only I had hit that magical 180cm mark. I would totally dominate all those foos in the 170s and be king on the dating apps. Instead, I leaned against the board and put my hand atop my head and my hand straddled the 175 mark. At 175cm I’m just a head amongst others. Alas! I can totally see why you want your man to be min 175. He needs to stand out head and shoulders above others in order to effectively protect his woman, geisha, peasant, villagers, etc.
This was the tallest samurai around because he was the daimyo (lord) and had access to meat. It’s so important to get to 180cm. You don’t get to the top without being the tallest. With higher height you have a better angle and more force from which to strike your sword, ace a tennis serve and crush a volley at the net, or kill a ball at the net and not even have to jump serve in volleyball!
Retreat to the hotel. Most bath amenities I’ve ever had free for the taking but it still doesn’t make up for the tiny rooms.
Bathroom fit for a samurai! Nowhere to place my suitcase and couldn’t even open the door and my suitcase at the same time!
Out of the bathtub and onto the ship!
Tiny boats for tiny people. No optical illusion here. The naval frigate was unbelievably smaller than the local passenger ferry.
Footsoak from the volcano hot springs. Maybe stay in there too long and your toes will get all shrively and shrink. Bad samurai form!
That’s it for today. Till next time!