Cutting grass.
The Japanese take such pride in their work whether they’re a grass cutter or a toilet cleaner.
It has always been a dream of mine to just mindlessly mow grass on a lawnmower like Forrest Gump. Just a dream of course, since I have hay fever.
The art of glass making. I would like one Gandalf stick please. (Made in Sengan-en, Kagoshima.)
Strolling down the cat walk in high art fashion.
Yes, you could get the classic Shinjuku experience in Japan. But there are so many areas outside of Japan where you’ll also come across some amazing characters, like this one in the Bishan Historical Quarter, Kurashiki.
Kurashiki @ night.
I think I know where the man got his cats from now.
I really like balls. I mean shapes. 90’s museum shapes. Man, that was a bad transition. I like 90s architecture for the way it stands out. They just heap shapes upon shapes on you. Unlike those boring contemporary buildings of today where it’s all facade of glass. So uninspiring. Look at these Saved by the Bell shapes! It makes me want to go in and discover what it’s all about!
See, this is what I mean by no ingenuity in modern architecture. Just a simple brick box with some glass ringing the top.
All this space just for a staircase.
Cup Noodles: Phenomenal, cosmic powers. Itty-bitty living space.
This is not cup noodles. It’s ice cream beneath! The toppings? Oh Yea, those are real cup of noodle toppings. Shrimp tastes like salty shrimp but the freeze-dried beef tastes like dog food!
Questions? Want to join me for my next trip? Leave me a comment below.