Viet and then some
This morning I was sitting in my car, listening to the radio before lunch, parked towards the sun recharging, and this girl pulls up into the spot facing me, giving me a little finger wave over the wheel and a lite smile. I wasn't sure if she mistook me for someone else as she pulled in there with such zest. It looked like she was on her way to meeting someone. I was wearing my sunglasses so maybe she mistook me for someone else when she pulled in. Then she got out of her car bringing with her a couple notebooks. Definitely a business meeting she was going to.
10 minutes later, after a cat nap almost turned into sleep, I walked into the restaurant and sat down at a table. After orderingd food I looked around and saw her at another table by herself with her notebooks. She was intently enjoying herself writing. No business meeting after all. I wanted to get up and ask what she was writing about but it felt awkward because there was another couple between us. What made it especially awkward was the fact that we were sitting in a “T” shape. I sat at the top of the “T” facing the left end of the “T” whereas she sat at the bottom of “T” looking towards me at the crossbar. If I sat back in my chair I would be obstructed from view by the other couple between but whenever I leaned forward and poked my head around, there she was, looking up in my direction with a smile on her face, not writing. I wanted to ask her what she was writing but it felt so awkward for me to get up out of my table and walk over and ask her. So I shrank back into my seat out of view. But whenever I leaned forward there she was again! Looking out, with her notebook open , not writing with a smile on her face .
Dang it all to hell 😝