
Would you rather…

Wait for it... Wait for the lead-in story first.

After departing Pacific Central Station in Vancouver it took more than 3 hours just to get past the Fraser River. Unfortunately, Got stuck behind a freight train at a Y junction, and then the freight train ended up getting stuck on a (single track) bridge. So yes stuck on a train at a complete standstill for 3 hours with nowhere to go.

And now the question - Two trains both delayed 3 hours going in the same direction arrive at a single track junction at the same time.

Would you rather-

Let the 100 passenger train car go first or let the train with 10000000 pounds of cargo go first?

If you let the passenger train go first you possibly let the people go home only three hours late behind schedule! (I counted, there were only 100 passengers, it's possible I undercounted on my walk down the carriages. sorry). But at the same time you delay the delivery of 10000000 pounds of cargo!

If you let the freight train go first you let its precious cargo worth upwards of $10 million proceed on for delivery and the goods trickle on down to their customers and into the economy. A three hour delay to goods which probably weren't scheduled to see the market for another week won't have a direct, big impact on any individual consumer now. But a delay at the start of its journey could have even bigger ripple effects down the supply chain. But then if you let the freight train go first think of the 100 people missing their dinner with their family now or missing their kid's soccer games!

So which option would you choose? Let the 100-person passenger train go first or the $10 million value freight train?

You'll be happy to know after reading this there is no option. Freight trains always have priority on single track. Suckers! But I'd still like to hear what you would choose!


And if you really want to hear something good (besides the crickets in this post) I listened to a fellow artist play on his guitar during our 3-hour delay, as we stood between cars and waited for the train to clear the bridge.

How's about that for #train#life!

Yes he got kicked out of the car because because the conductors weren't having it. Do you want to be that guy at work? No. Please don't be that guy. Join me on the awesome train ride of life! Just two people riding a train, doing a gig without working a gig. It's possible people.

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